SAC254 Analysers

SAC254 Analysers

What is SAC254?

SAC254 represents the Spectral Absorption Coefficient measured at a wavelength of 254 nanometers. This parameter is crucial in water quality monitoring as it quantifies the concentration of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and certain pollutants, including micropollutants and potential faecal contamination. The measurement leverages the principle that organic compounds and specific contaminants absorb ultraviolet (UV) light at this wavelength. Consequently, a higher SAC254 value reflects a greater concentration of these substances in the water. This makes SAC254 an invaluable tool for assessing water purity, guiding treatment processes, and detecting pollution events in both municipal wastewater treatment and natural water bodies.


Monitoring SAC254 in Water Treatment

Monitoring SAC254 in potable water treatment is vital for ensuring the safety and quality of drinking water. By measuring the Spectral Absorption Coefficient at 254 nanometers, water treatment facilities can accurately assess the concentration of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and other contaminants that absorb UV light at this wavelength. This measurement is essential for identifying potentially harmful organic pollutants and optimizing treatment processes like coagulation, flocculation, and disinfection. For example, a high SAC254 value may indicate the need for additional treatment steps to remove organic compounds that could react with disinfectants to form disinfection byproducts (DBPs), which pose health risks to consumers. Moreover, tracking SAC254 values over time allows for early detection of pollution events or changes in water quality at the source, facilitating proactive measures to protect public health. Thus, SAC254 is a crucial parameter in the comprehensive monitoring strategy of potable water treatment facilities, contributing to the delivery of safe, clean drinking water to the community.


SAC254 Monitoring Resources


SAC254 Analyser