CACE Analysers

CACE Analyser

What is Conductivity after Cation Exchange?

Conductivity after cation exchange (CACE), also known as cation conductivity or acid conductivity, is a measure of the electrolytic conductivity of a liquid that has passed through a column filled with cation exchange resin. This process removes positively charged ions (cations) from the liquid and replaces them with hydrogen ions (H+). The resulting measurement reflects the presence of anions, such as chloride and sulphate, which are not removed by the cation exchange process. Cation conductivity is a critical parameter in utility plants and industrial processes because it provides a highly sensitive indication of the purity of water, particularly in detecting low levels of ionic contamination. It is especially important in high-purity water systems, such as those used in power generation, where maintaining low levels of dissolved solids is essential to prevent corrosion and scaling in boilers and turbines.


Conductivity after Cation Exchange in Power and Steam Water

Conductivity after cation exchange is a pivotal parameter in the realm of power generation and steam water systems. This process involves passing water through a cation exchange resin, which selectively removes positively charged ions (cations) and replaces them with hydrogen ions (H+). The subsequent measurement of conductivity primarily reflects the concentration of negatively charged ions (anions) such as chlorides and sulphates left in the water. In utility plants and steam water cycles, maintaining low levels of these anions is crucial; their presence can lead to corrosion, scaling, and other forms of degradation in boilers, turbines, and other critical components. Cation conductivity thus serves as a sensitive indicator of water purity and ionic contamination, playing a key role in the operational efficiency and longevity of power generation equipment. This monitoring technique ensures that the stringent water quality standards required for optimal plant performance are met, thereby safeguarding the integrity of the water steam cycle against potential issues.

To optimise this vital monitoring process, the implementation of a CACE analyser is essential, offering advanced capabilities for precise and reliable measurement of cation conductivity, thereby enhancing the detection of ionic contamination and ensuring the maintenance of water purity standards in power generation systems.


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